World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology

World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology

2022, Volume 10, Issue 5

ISSN 2658-6282

Title page


Theoretical articles

Arzhakova M.I., Egorova A.E. Practice-oriented tasks as a means of forming professional competence in the training of future chemistry teachers
Identification number of article: 33PDMN522

Borisov B.Yu. Traditions of national charity in the spiritual and moral education of students at the present stage
Identification number of article: 41PDMN522

Dormidontov R.A. The issue of academic achievements under modern educational conditions
Identification number of article: 27PDMN522

Fedotova O.D., Ronis A.A. The formation of financial and economic topics in the history of European pedagogical thought
Identification number of article: 46PDMN522

Review articles

Mei Yu. Pedagogical features of preparing schoolchildren for environmental education in China and Russia: a comparative aspect
Identification number of article: 57PDMN522

Fazleeva E.V., Shalavina A.S., Vasenkov N.V., Martyanov O.P., Fazleev A.N. Health status of youth students: trends, problems, solutions
Identification number of article: 01PDMN522

Yugfeld E.A. On the issue of the phenomenon of mentoring: a historical aspect
Identification number of article: 05PDMN522

Research articles

Dyorina N.V., Savva L.I., Novoselov R.Yu. The student’s self-directedness as a component of their professional development in online learning
Identification number of article: 35PDMN522

Kagarmanova L.A., Chusavitina G.N. Experience in conducting career guidance events with high school students in areas of training in the field of artificial intelligence
Identification number of article: 34PDMN522

Kitikar O.V. Design of a regional system of teacher education in the digital educational environment
Identification number of article: 42PDMN522

Kuzina A.E. Formation of foreign language competence of Pedagogical University students using the British Council platform
Identification number of article: 38PDMN522

Kutrunova Z.S., Maksimova S.V. On the use of gamification in teaching technical disciplines
Identification number of article: 03PDMN522

Latun V.V. Features of the implementation of the concept of education for sustainable development in wimmelbook: from tradition to postmodernity
Identification number of article: 55PDMN522

Lashkova L.L., Savva L.I., Zheenkulova K.T. Methodological support for the formation of financial literacy foundations among preschoolers
Identification number of article: 21PDMN522

Luchaninov D. V., Bazhenov R. I., Lavrushina E. G., Dorofeev A. S. The use of business games through students’ online education of electric power industry and electrical engineering
Identification number of article: 20PDMN522

Maximova O.B., Maslikov A.A. Cross-linguistic interference in learning English as a second foreign language by multilingual students
Identification number of article: 32PDMN522

Mikhalchenkova N.A., Bolshakova Ju.M., Kozhevnikova V.V. Values of education and education of values. To the question of the potential of training and education
Identification number of article: 13PDMN522

Nesterova A.A., Makarov M.I. Historical retrospective and prospects for the development of environmental education in Russia
Identification number of article: 40PSMN522

Niyazova A.A., Gibadullina Yu.M., Kazaeva E.A. The role of the digital information and educational environment in the social and environmental education of future teachers
Identification number of article: 56PDMN522

Ponomareva L.D., Savva L.I., Gnevek O.V., Dorfman O.V., Gubchevskaya E.A. Speech-creative intensive course in the language training system of students
Identification number of article: 16PDMN522

Pchela I.V., Razumnaya N.V. Development of research competencies of students in the conditions of network interaction of educational organizations
Identification number of article: 22PDMN522

Romanova M.V. The relationship between morality and different degrees of religiosity among young people
Identification number of article: 23PDMN522

Romanova M.V., Vanichkina A.S., Smoliannikova I.A., Khakhaleva A.Yu., Sukhina N.N. Integration of cross-cutting technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language for specific purposes
Identification number of article: 09PDMN522

Fedorova I.A., Denisova T.V. Managing the process of patriotic education of students of the pedagogical university
Identification number of article: 14PDMN522

Sharafeeva L.R. The results of experimental work on the future teachers’ readiness formation of mathematics for the organization of mobile learning for schoolchildren
Identification number of article: 15PDMN522

Shirokikh A.A., Tokareva L.V., Shabalina L.A., Lisitsa A.V., Romankova M.N. Organization of work with vocabulary when developing English textbook for medical university
Identification number of article: 31PDMN522

Yurʹeva E.N. Problems of legal training in the education of civic responsibility and patriotism of students of technical universities
Identification number of article: 06PDMN522

Methodological articles

Gukalenko O.V. Pedagogical conditions for students’ emotional intelligence development in modern cultural and educational environment
Identification number of article: 58PDMN522

Kachalova L.P., Kolmogorova I.V., Kolosovskaya T.A., Svetonosovа L.G. The functional role of the situation of uncertainty in the formation of the readiness of future teachers to solve professional and pedagogical tasks
Identification number of article: 17PDMN522

Fedorkevich E.V., Korolev V.V., Nuretdinov R.I. Actual problems of selecting the content of teaching in the field of applied informatics in the context of digital transformation of the economy
Identification number of article: 07PDMN522


Research articles

Adeeva T.N., Tikhonova I.V., Khazova S.A. Self-attitude as a resource for personal adaptation in a disability situation
Identification number of article: 36PSMN522

Bokhan T.G., Shabalovskya M.V., Terekhina O.V., Ul’yanich A.L., Borodich Yu.V. Significant spheres of life and its satisfaction as a criterion for the subjective well-being among foreign students in conditions of educational migration
Identification number of article: 24PSMN522

Afonina M. A. Emotional and intellectual predictors of female leadership
Identification number of article: 12PSMN522

Vardanyan Yu.V., Vdovina N.A., Semenyuk A.A. Research of emotional intelligence and communication skills of younger schoolchildren
Identification number of article: 51PSMN522

Volodina S.A. Comparative analysis of priority coping strategies of student teachers of various courses
Identification number of article: 44PSMN522

Diomin A.N., Kireeva O.V. Express diagnostics of personal flexibility at the labour sphere
Identification number of article: 11PSMN522

Zinovyeva E.V., Kuznetsova E.A. Commitment to the value messages of digital opinion leaders among Generation Z
Identification number of article: 47PSMN522

Kovalenko S.V., Makovetskaya A.D., Tyustina G.G. Analysis of Internet addiction of teenagers in the educational environment as a factor of psychological safety of the personality
Identification number of article: 43PSMN522

Maksimenkova L.I., Guchkova T.N., Tynyanskaya A.O. The attitude of mothers and fathers to children with visual dysfunctions
Identification number of article: 53PSMN522

Mititsina E.A., Kovalevskaya E.V. The structure of psychological readiness for volunteering of students
Identification number of article: 54PSMN522

Nikolaeva I.A., Vershinina V.V., Silakova M.M. Features of self-esteem in anxious children of senior preschool age
Identification number of article: 02PDMN522

Рolyakova N.A. The structure of personal, adaptive and communicative characteristics of police patrol officers at various stages of professional activity
Identification number of article: 48PSMN522

Safin R.Sh. The relationship of life satisfaction with the perception of death in the picture of the world of Muslims
Identification number of article: 19PSMN522

Trubitsyna L.V., Lazebnaya M.S. The phenomenon of distribution of power in the family (in relations between spouses)
Identification number of article: 30PSMN522

Ulanovskaya I.M., Yanishevskaya M.A. On the influence of developmental learning on the formation of the “learning to learn” ability in elementary school
Identification number of article: 50PSMN522

Khamenok V.I. Emotional state of representatives of creative professions (musicians) in the process of preparation for performance and during it: research of some theoretical and practical aspects of the problem
Identification number of article: 52PSMN522

Shapovalova M.A., Idrisova C.R., Kubekova A.S. Evaluation of the psycho-emotional state of teachers of the Medical University
Identification number of article: 08PSMN522

Shereshkova E.A. Psychological correction of anxiety in older adolescents before exams
Identification number of article: 10PSMN522

Methodological articles

Selivanova Yu.V., Konovalova M.D., Sharov A.A., Hmelkova O.V., Shchetinina E.B. Research of factors and mechanisms of personal self-determination in students with disabilities
Identification number of article: 39PSMN522