2019. — Т 7. — №4 - перейти к содержанию номера...

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Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи:

Шпаковский, А. Д. Оказание первой помощи – туризм / А. Д. Шпаковский, В. Г. Бубнов, В. Е. Пинаев // Мир науки. Педагогика и психология. — 2019. — Т 7. — №4. — URL: https://mir-nauki.com/PDF/01PDMN419.pdf (дата обращения: 13.02.2025).

Оказание первой помощи – туризм

Shpakovsky Alexander Dmitrievich
Peoples’ friendship university of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: shpakovskyrus@mail.ru

Bubnov Valery Georgievich
National center for mass first aid training «Valery Bubnov school», Moscow, Russia
E-mail: v.g.bubnov@yandex.ru

Pinaev Vladimir Evgenʹevich
Peoples’ friendship university of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: pinaev-ve@mail.ru

Abstract. First aid trainings are sufficient not only for tourist clubs, but also for specialties related to field work. There are different approaches to first aid trainings, most effective according to the authors opinion is intramural training with sport excitement – lifewrestling. The article is dedicated to first aid training in the frame of tourist activities and field work. Time of ambulance arrival in some rural tourist regions if Russia may be rather long, despite to official requirements, so presence of the people trained as first aiders can be crucial to save sufferers life. Ideally everyone in the tourist group should be able to assist with first aid before the ambulance arrival, but one first aider is a must, especially in case of school excursions. This article provides some aspects of first aid performance in need of quick response and group activities for first aid assistance. Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation and practice of precordial thump is described. Practicability of certain first aid activities is described, a s well as limitations. Application of listed rules may help to save sufferers life not only during field works.

Keywords: first aid; tourism; legal requirements; clinical death; coma; precordial thump; first aid training; sufferer; time of ambulance arrival; rural area; school tourism; field work


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ISSN 2658-6282 (Online)

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