World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology


Goals and objectives of journal

The main goal of the journal is analysis, systematization and promotion of the scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Objectives of journal:

  • reflection of results of the scientific-research, scientific-practical and experimental activities of the actively working scientists — doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as the young researchers — doctoral students, post-graduate students, undergraduates, teachers and psychologists, who are actively engaged in the scientific and innovation activities;
  • promotion of the main achievements of the national and world university and industrial science in the sphere of developing new pedagogical and psychological technologies and techniques;
  • identification of the scientific potential for developing and using advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Journal «World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology». Base information:

  1. journal is a network publication registered as a mass media in the RF Ministry for the Media (the mass media registration certificate EL № FS77-54399 dated the 10th June 2013);
  2. In accordance with GOST 7.83-2001 the journal is a network electronic publication. This electronic publication is potentially accessible to the unlimited range of users via telecommunications networks;
  3. the journal is on the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of the candidate of sciences for the academic degree of a doctor of science are to be published. It is compiled by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (number in list 1038);
  4. all articles published in the journal are stored in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU;
  5. the materials published in the journal are transferred to the Scientific Technical Centre «Informregistr» for registration and storage.


In the journal «World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology» you can publish an article in the specialties:

— 19.00.00 Psychological sciences;

— 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences.

Open access journal

The journal «World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology» is an open access one. Open access means that the authors provide the results of their research (in the form of a full-text version of a scientific article) for a wide free-of-charge distribution through any mass media (open access). The Internet enables the largest possible number of stakeholders to learn the results of scientist’s work and use a reference to his work in the process of further work.

Our journal provides the direct open access to its content on the basis of the following principle: a free public access to the results of research contributes to increase in volume of the global exchange of knowledge.

The entire content of the journal «World of Science. Pedagogy and Psychology» is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

This license allows other persons to distribute, edit, correct and use your work as a basis, even on a commercial basis, as long as they indicate your authorship.

On the specifics of network publication (on-line journal)

Today the refusal of the paper plate of publication is a worldwide trend of the scientific periodicals. The limited period from receipt of the article to an editor to its distribution, unrestricted limit on the tables and colored drawings, volume of abstract and references, as well as the greatest opportunities for using innovation technologies — these are not all benefits of network publication.

This network electronic publication not only keeps all the functions of a traditional scientific periodical (registration of a scientific article, its certification and distribution), but also transfers them to a higher level.

The editorial board of each scientific journal develops its requirements for the design and content of the published articles. Our requirements for the content and design of articles conform to the most relevant national and international standards and criteria developed by Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, international citation bases and scientific community.

Please note that the editorial board cannot publish a paper copy of journal parallel with the network edition. According to the international and domestic legal framework a paper and a network versions of the scientific journal are the various editions and require assignment of different ISSNs (International Standard Serial Number) and individual registration as mass media. To save your article in a paper version, you can print the cover of a particular issue, in which your article and its text have been published (it is located on the page with the content of the issue).

For its part, the editorial board of journal provides a seamless access to the electronic copy of article and its safety. All articles published in the journal are sent to the database of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU (RSCI). Annually the archives of published materials are transferred to the FSUE STC «Informregister» (Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Scientific-Research Center «Informregister»).